I have found that Runner's World has the most thorough and helpful online site. Throughout my preparation to run the Napa Valley Marathon, I have become hooked on the heading Training. (And I must admit that while it's not nearly as interesting, I have more recently been consulting the heading Motivation.) So I found a great article called FAST ABS.
I have been intermittently faithful to some kind of powder puff routine of basic crunches, but as the article criticises, one really needs to work the deep core muscles to truly make a difference and provide the stability and strength that running mile after mile requires. The benefits not only lend themselves to speed, endurance, and hill work, but also prevent common injuries involving the knees, lower back, and hamstrings.
There is a detailed description and drawing of each exercise and the recommendation is that this 15 minute workout be done right before or after running, three times a week. It seems that is a minimal commitment that could produce monumental reward. I am starting today.And to celebrate my efforts, I am going to exercise my baking skills and try a Strawberry Rose Buttercream cupcake recipe from my friend Gale. They sound delicious and they're pink.