Now this title has nothing to do with the color, nor the focus of this blog, but expresses the sheer joy I experienced after meeting with friends who encouraged me to keep blogging regardless of less jogging. So after a very long pause, I'm back.
My morning was off to the perfect start having met friends Rachelle and Joel for coffee at the Oxbow Public Market in Napa. Ritual Coffee Roasters delivers! You won't be disappointed. My cappuccino was not only delicious, but also beautiful in presentation.
So I have recently moved. And more on that later, but much to my surprise and absolute delight my friends so kindly gifted me with two fantastic pieces from Mountain Hard Wear to celebrate my recent adventure as well as turning another year older. Awesome! The new threads that is, not the getting older bit. But well worth putting on a Christmas list this year are the Women's Sarafin Cardigan and the incredible/reversible Women's Flip Jacket. Perfection. And the colors are great too.
It was during my first half marathon and at mile nine when I felt like I was about to collapse and start crying. Just then I caught the eye of an enthusiastic bystander who yelled "keep going, honey. It's not how you feel, it's how you look!" Often so true and it was motivation to press on, but I have to say having tried on my cardigan and jacket for the tenth time now, it is possible to achieve both.
Thanks guys!