I know very few adults who aren't spooked by these freakish little treats.
My father gets a kick out of such things, and rarely passes up an opportunity to celebrate a seasonal candy, so he hand delivered a batch of hot pink Easter PEEPS to my doorstep the other day. A marshmallow coated in sugar? Gilding the lily, in my opinion, but the colors are so alarmingly artificial and intriguing.
I learned that PEEPS are dusted in shades of yellow, pink, lavender, white, green, orange, blue, and a new chocolate brown. Each one contains 32 calories and is fat free. They come in Valentine, Halloween, Holiday, and Easter attire. And the fact that I can't seem to forget is that it would take over 70 million PEEPS chicks lined up beak-to-tail to reach from Los Angeles to New York City.
You know my views on these sugar coated marshmallows with a shelf life of who-knows-how-many years. Scary little confectionaries. Even if they are pink -- Ick.
www.peepresearch.org. make sure you do .org and not .com. .com is a porn site.